Tuesday, April 5, 2005

Leaving for Colorado

After several months of hard workamping we're now getting ready to head to Durango Colorado and workamp there for the summer.

Our friends Lee and Carma have never been to Arizona and wanted to see some of the sights there. They wanted me to arrange the trip and places to stay. I told Lee that it would really be great if he'd join Passport America and he could save a lot of money on our trip. At first he was a little reluctant but I told him if he didn't save his annual fee I'd refund his money. He joined.

We left Fredricksburg and headed to Andrews Texas to visit with their family for a few days. Her cousin knew the lady in charge of the Chamber of Commerce and she arranged for us to stay in their small RV park for about a week.

The city of Andrews has a very good Senior Citizen Center and they serve a dinner there six days a week. You can have meat, two vegetables, desert and drink for $2.50. We ate dinner there each day we were in Andrews.

Tomorrow we plan to take a day trip and see the Carlsbad Caverns.

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