Thursday, April 21, 2005

Durango Colorado Alpen Rose RV Park

We got all setteled in and the manager Bob told us that we'd be cleaning the bath rooms, laundry room, lounge and game room. We'll be working three days on and three days off. We will start work about 9:00PM and work for a couple of hours or until we were finished. We'd be off during the day before we had to work that night so we could go sight seeing or what ever we wanted.

For all the hard labor we were going to get a full hook site with 50 amp service, cable TV, free laundry, free breakfast and free propane. Sounds great.
We were told that we would not begin work for a least three or four days in order for us to get adjusted to the higher altitute and climate.
We decided to take a short drive north from the park with Lee and Carma and see what the snow looked like.
Vallecito Lake

This big lake remained frozen till early May

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