Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Stock Up Time

Since Jerry is going to be in the hospital for several days we made a trip to the Commissary to get me a few supplies. I'm not much of an indoor cook so we got simple things I could fix without too much trouble.

I had previously commented on how quiet it is here but I was a little wrong. We're in the flight path for the base and once in a while the big troop transports come in from their mission of dropping the Rangers at the parachute ranges. They are real low when they cross over us. Thank goodness they don't fly at night or leave real early in the morning.

We're going to sit outside tonight and watch our visitors when they come to feed. One of the RVers next to us feed them some corn. I believe I'll show another picture or two
I didn't realize how big Fort Benning is, but from the FAMCAMP to the Commissary is 14 miles one way. You wouldn't want to go there every day.
We're going to sit outside tonight and watch our visitors come to feed. One of the RVers next door puts corn out for them. I believe I'll include a picture or two of them.

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