Thursday, January 5, 2006

Mathis, Texas Day Two

Beeville Court House

We took a short drive to the KOA by Lake Corpus Christi to visit with Lee and Carma. We had called about getting a site there but all they have are 30 amp sites and they had nothing that would accommodate a 40 foot motor home. When we got there I'm glad we didn't try to go there. The sites are small, close to each other and have trees all over the place including the roads into the park and to the sites too.
We took a short ride to Beeville Texas to make a "Wally World" run. Well guess what??? when I first entered the Navy in 1954, Beeville was my first duty station. It was a Naval Air Station which was being reopened to train jet pilots. It's now closed and has been turned over to the state of Texas for a prison.

Statue On Top Of Court House

Wild Animals Alongside of Road

Texas Blue Bonnets

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