Friday, January 20, 2006

Goliad, Texas

One of Texas' oldest municipalities, the area was inhabited long before recorded history. Early Spanish explorers list an Aranama Indian Village at the site, then called Santa Dorortea. In 1749 Spain established a mission and was custom, a nearby "Persido" or fort for protection.

"Remember Goliad" became a Texas Revolution battle cry honoring Colonel James W. Fannin, Jr. and his men who were massacred at Goliad. A monument marks the grave of Colonel Fannin and 342 men who had surrendered to Mexican forces during the Texas Revolution and were massacred at the order of General Santa Anna on Palm Sunday morning, March 27, 1863

Historic Goliad Court House

Historic Plaque

Hanging Tree

Hanging Tree Plaque

Goliad Court House

Building Circa 1845

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