Saturday, July 8, 2000

Our First Long Trip Day Three

We drove to Kansas City, MO. and picked up I-29 north into Iowa. Guess what? Still more bad road with construction signs along the way. When we entered the city of Council Bluff the signs of I-29 disappeared and we made a wrong turn and wound up in Omaha, NE. Hey I didn't want to go to Omaha and had to drive 10 miles before I could find a place where I could turn around and get back on the right road.

Remember that it's almost impossible to turn around a 40 foot motor home with a Saturn behind in a small space. And you darn sure can't back up with it attached. Oh well at least we got to see some of Omaha.

After getting out of NE we drove to Sioux City, IA. and spent the night. The next morning we filled the tanks at a truck stop and had a "trucker's special" breakfast. Three eggs, four large pieces of bacon and two pancakes with all the coffee you want. Real expensive, $2.95 per person.

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