Inside the Corn Palace
After leaving Mitchell we drove to Wall, SD which is the home of the world famous "Wall Drug Store". While driving to Wall we saw signs on the side of the road saying "Stop at Wall Drug Store for a Free Glass of Ice Water".
The story goes that a family from back east bought the drug store at the turn of the century and were having a rough time making a living. One day the wife of the owner noticed cars driving by during the hot summer. She said to her sons, "I'll bet they would like a free glass of ice water".
The next day she and her sons set signs on the roads and soon people stopped for their free glass of ice water. Business picked up and they are still in business. Now the drug store covers a "Square Block" in town.
Just a few miles from Wall you begin to enter the area known as the "Badlands". This is some of the most barren but beautiful country you can imagine. Almost nothing grows there except tumble weeds and scrub trees. The scenery is awesome and breathtaking. There are Buffalo, Prong Horned Antelope, Prairie Dogs and a few Mountain Lions running free in the National Park.
The Bad LandsWhere the Buffalo Roam
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