Saturday, June 28, 2008

Riverfest .. Bandera, Texas

Today they have the annual Riverfest here in Bandera and the crowd was quite large. They had all sorts of arts and craft booth and of course a lot of good old Texas Bar-B-Que being prepared for the cook off.

There were a few small canoe races and of course folks swimming in the Medina River. The river is clean and clear and the park it runs through is real nice. These folks in the Hill Country really take pride in their facilities.

I took a few pictures that I hope everyone will enjoy.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Yancey, Texas

The Town Store and Meeting Place

We were going to Hondo today to make our "Wally World" run and saw a sign about the town of Yancey, Texas. We've never been there and thought it might be an interesting Texas town to see. It's only fifteen miles from Hondo so it wasn't that far out of our way.

The country side along the way is totally different from what we've become accustomed to, it's flat and mostly farming country. It was a change to see large fields of corn and cotton growing.

The town of Yancey has a store, post office and church and a population of about two hundred, maybe give or take a few. The lady running the store told me we should be back tomorrow morning. Each day for a little over fifty years some of the older men of town meet each morning for coffee. They refer to themselves as the "Board of Directors" of the town. They discuss town business, if they can find any, swap stories, and solve all the world's troubles. But mostly they just drink coffee.

The Post Office

Inside the Store

An Interesting Building Enroute to Hondo

Our good friends, Suzie and Henry came by and gave Jerry a bouquet of flowers to cheer her up. They are the nicest people you can imagine.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Jerry and I had lunch at a real good Chinese restaurant in Bandera. Hey don't you think Cowboys can like Chinese food too?

All my daughters called and wished me a Happy Father's Day and two of my grandsons called and sang Happy Father's Day. My son also called and wished me Happy Father's Day. I really appreciate all their loving thoughts.

My daughters sent me a "Wally World" card and Cracker Barrel Card, wow now we can eat...YEA.

We spent a quiet day just relaxing and watching TV, it finally got hot here in the Hill Country.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

New Baby Birds And Strange Cocoon

We recently discovered a bird's nest in a cactus planter and I got some pictures of them. The biggest one is a baby "Cow Bird" and we're not sure what the little one might be. We believe the eggs are also "Cow Bird". Our Baby Birds

We have a cocoon that we cannot identify, it's been around for quite some time. It was first seen on the lower part of the post and now has moved to the very top. We'll keep our eyes on it and hopefully will be able to get a picture after it matures.

Strange Cocoon

Monday, June 9, 2008

A Nice Drive Through Texas Ranch Land

A Texas Hacienda

Today we took a drive through the Texas Ranch Land looking for exotic animals or whatever we could find. We didn't find any exotic animals but we did see a lot of interesting sites. It was a real nice drive.

A Small Texas "Weekender"

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Jerry's Love For Cactus

This is a "Life Saver" Cactus
Jerry has always had a love for cactus, she has several that she has raised from seed in our motor home. She also completely landscaped Oakwood RV Park in Fredericksburg.

Cactus Flower
Yucca Cactus Flower
Prickly Pear Cactus
Barrel Cactus Flower

Prickly Pear Flower