Friday, May 30, 2008

Happy Birthday

Our wonderful, friendly park owners, Loren and Carol hosted a bond fire get together at "Dark Thirty" to celebrate the birthdays of Loren, Patsy (camp hostess) and me.

We had hot dogs, chili dogs and all the trimmings and Jerry brought her famous Peach Schnapps Cake. We had a wonderful time sitting around a bond fire talking, telling jokes and enjoying the beautiful stars above. When it comes to seeing stars you know what they say, "The Stars At Night Are Big And Bright, Deep In The Heart Of Texas".

It was a pleasure to celebrate my birthday here in the beautiful Texas Hill Country.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Bandera TX Memorial Day Parade Page Five

I do believe these dogs are a little spoiled

I hope you have enjoyed the pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them.


Bandera TX Memorial Day Parade Page Four

This Cow Girl and Her Horse were great, how did she get him up there?

Bandera TX Memorial Day Parade Page Three

I know this journal may seem too long to some but it's hard to fit all the parade into just one page. Please bare with me and enjoy the parade.

Bandera TX Memorial Day Parade Page Two

The parades held each year in Bandera increases the population at least 10 fold. People from near and far come to see a great parade. They also had an arts and crafts area during the entire Memorial Day weekend.

Bandera TX Memorial Day Parade

Bandera, The Cowboy Capital Of The World is a small town, population 975, but it's famous for putting on good big parades. The one they had this year was no exception.