Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Happy Holidays

JB's Tree
We had a very good time with our family during Thanksgiving and of course we ate too much turkey and Jerry's dressing. Our daughters can't make good dressing so Jerry has to make it. She made three large pans full and when dinner was over there was not enough to bother taking any home.

We had two Christmas Trees, one with our daughters and family in Montgomery and one a little later with our daughter and family in Meridian. That really keeps Santa busy delivering presents to both homes at different times. Thank goodness he doesn't charge extra for the service.

Billie, Roland and Morgan

These pictures were taken at Karen's home
Karen's Tree

Jerry, Karen and Jeff

Billie, Roland, Megan and Morgan
JB, Dalton and Dillon

Thursday, November 2, 2006

Home For The Holidays

We're back at Capital City RV Park in Montgomery, AL to spend the holiday times with our family and see some of our friends.

Our plans are to be here till mid December and then head back to the Texas Hill Country. We've been offered a workamping position at Caribbean Cowboy RV Resort in Tarpley, Texas. Tarpley is a real big city, the population now is 75. The RV Park we'll be in is a small one but has a lot to offer, they have a physical fitness and water aerobics program using their year round heated indoor pool.

When we told our children about our plans for next year, I don't believe they were too happy about it. They want us to be here all the time so they "can take care of us". Oh well maybe they'll change their minds and be happy we're going back to the Texas Hill Country.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Time To Head Home Again

Now that our workamping time is over, it's time to say goodbye to everyone and head back to Montgomery, AL to spend the holidays with our family. We've had a good time at Buckhorn Lake RV Park and will miss it.

We really like the Texas Hill Country and hope to be back here soon.

Time to sing our favorite song, "On The Road Again".

Monday, October 23, 2006

Data Storm Rally

Buckhorn Entrance At Night

The fourth annual Data Storm Rally began today and the park is "sold out", there will be about 150 rigs here and everyone will have a satellite system on them. The trade mark of MotoSat is the "blue" light and at night they will all be showing and it'll look like a valley of Texas Blue Bonnets.
The rally will have several seminars each day covering every aspect of mobile Internet service using the Data Storm system. For those interested, there are several people who can install either new or upgraded units.
For those of us who have one say "never leave home without it". There is nothing better than being able to get the Internet and maybe also TV anywhere you park your rig as long as you can see the south west sky.

Buckhorn Land Mark

Some of the Data Storm Members

Map Showing Member Location

Blue Lights At Night

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Jerry's Back Home

After several weeks of physical fitness and rehab, Jerry finally got to come home. She still has to take things easy for a while and can't go back to work yet.

She has to go see the Doctor in a week to see just what she can and can't do. She still has the rod in her left arm and we guess she'll have in for quite some time.

She really enjoys going to the hot tub and exercise her arm in the hot water. She goes at least three times a day

There still isn't too much she can do around the motor home so I have to do the things she can't and after working for a full shift it really gets to be a little much for an old man.

Buckhorn is going to host the fourth annual Data Storm rally in October and from what I've heard they will have a full park of "blue lights". I've talked to Kathy the owners wife about it and she has made arrangements for me to be off during the rally. She knows I have a Data Storm Satellite and have never been able to attend a rally before. That was really nice of her to do this.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Buckhorn Lake RV Park Page Two

We've been keeping real busy with all the cleaning we've had to do. During the summer we have a lot of rallies and families with children that are here and that means more work for us. The families with children don't seem to supervise them and they make all sorts of messes. Oh well that's what we're here for.

Today, Jerry fell in the motor home and broke her left humorous bone. As it turned out it was a spiral fracture. The paramedic took her to the local hospital and the Dr. has her set for surgery tomorrow. He's going to install a metal rod in her left arm and she'll be in the hospital for about a week.

Jerry has been released from the hospital and has a weird type of pad under her arm. She will be sent to a "rehab" facility where she'll undergo an extensive physical fitness and rehab program. They expect she'll be there for about six or eight weeks.

Since she can't work, I've had to double up on the jobs and will be working five days per week now. It has really been hard on her cause she can't have her lap top computer and of course can't play Bridge. That hurts worse than the physical fitness she has to undergo twice a day.

This has really been hard on both of us, she is in a rehab facility that is not the nicest place in the world and I have to work from 8:00 am to around noon and then head up to be with her for a few hours. Hopefully with the help of God we'll get through all this and come out stronger.

I guess for the next several weeks all I've have time to do is work and be with Jerry so that means I won't be doing much if any work on the Blog. Please be patient.

Tuesday, July 4, 2006

Buckhorn Lake RV Park

We've been workamping since we got here and really haven't done too much else. Today the park is going to celebrate the fourth of July with a picnic and some fire works tonight. The nice part of it is that everything is free.

The picnic was held around the "Barn" and they had hamburgers, hot dogs, Texas baked beans, potatoe salad, chips and dip and a big assortment of cold drinks.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Texas Hill Country Page Four

Jerry found a place where cactus is blooming and she wants some pictures taken and also wants me to share them with everyone. Here they are, enjoy.

This is not a cactus but it's pretty

Sunday, April 9, 2006

Texas Hill Country Page Three

We've been to a lot of places in the west and have seen many sunrises and sunsets, but I don't believe we've seen any more beautiful than those in the Texas Hill Country.

Here are some examples of the beautiful sunsets in the Texas Hill Country, I hope you enjoy them.

Thursday, April 6, 2006

Texas Hill Country Page Two

We have a real nice site, it's a large back-in with a large patio area. Behind us is a large open field that we can use to take Smokey for long walks, so far he seems to like it.

We have a large number of humming birds at out site and we had to increase the number of feeders to keep up. We have to fill them at least twice a week. It's a lot of fun to sit and watch them feed and see how territorial they are. I hope you like the pictures.

Saturday, April 1, 2006

Texas Hill Country

Buckhorn Lake RV Resort

After spending a couple of days in Las Cruces NM and driving half way across Texas we arrived at Buckhorn Lake RV Park . . We'll be here during the summer and maybe well into the fall. Our jobs will be cleaning the two rest rooms, laundry rooms, exercises room and the large "Barn" which is use for large rallies and special dinner parties.

Some sites along side Goat Creek

We'll be working for our site, laundry, propane and a discount at park store. We'll be working twenty hours each per week and we are to start at about 8:00 am and work for four hours each day. That is not too bad and we have plenty time to do some sight seeing or better yet enjoy the pool and hot tub.

Buckhorn Lake RV Resort is by far the best RV park in the entire hill country. The sites are long level concrete pads with a large patio and of course full hook ups. Also there is a "hot phone" at each site that allows calls to other sites and local calls at no charge. It can also serve as an answering service so if you get a call and are not at home you can retrieve it later by calling the office.

Everyone here is very friendly and helpful and that make being here nice.

We're a little tired from our trip since we had to fight a Texas head wind for over five hundred miles. We're going to rest and take a dip in the pool. More later...stay tuned.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Texas Hill Country Here We Come

After another phone call to the co-owner of the RV Park in Texas we accepted their offer to work there this summer and maybe into the fall.

Since we have a few days to get there we're going to stop over in Las Cruces NM and visit with my cousin there.

On our way through southern CO and northern NM we say quite a bit of snow on the mountains, sure looks pretty. We won't be seeing that in Texas.

We stopped at a casino just outside of Albuquerque to try our luck, have dinner and spend the night. We had a good inexpensive meal and a nice place to park for the night but we didn't win much at all. Oh well two out of three isn't bad.

We're now in Las Cruces for a couple of days and then head over to Texas Hill Country.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Durango Here We Are

We finally arrived at Durango and will be getting ready for our workamping duties in a few days. They normally have you wait four or five days after arriving to get use to the climate and altitude.

We've been informed that I will be working on the outside detail and will be mowing grass and picking up trash and painting picnic tables. Jerry will be working in the office taking reservations, checking guests in and keeping the small store clean.

They have a new computer program used to take reservations and assign sites to guests. Everyone will be required to take a training program on it's use.

Not long after we got here Jerry began to have problems with her lungs and feeling faint and dizzy. I took her to the hospital and after a long series of test they found blood clots in both of her lungs. They gave her some medication and also ordered her to be on oxygen 24/7 for about two weeks. She wasn't able to attend the training classes so they gave her a DVD with the program on it so she could learn the program. After about two weeks she was better and wanted to take the training session.

When she went to the office to get the training, the woman that we thought was our friend, Betty would move in front of Jerry so she couldn't see the computer. This action went on for several days and no matter what Jerry tried to do Betty would do everything she could to make sure she couldn't get next to the computer. Betty made it a point to let the manager and assistant manager know that Jerry was not being able to do the job.

On what was to be our first day at work, the manager Bob, said he wanted to talk to us. We went into his office and also present was Kathy the assistant manager. Bob said "things are not going to work out, Jerry doesn't want to learn the job". We tried to tell them that she had been working with the program DVD and had learned how to work the program. He said "No you have to leave by tomorrow morning". I ask if we could pay for the site and stay since Jerry had a couple of doctor appointments later in the week. He said "No I need that site tomorrow, you'll have to leave".

That afternoon I went to Don and Betty and told them what had happened and also told them I wasn't happy with what Betty had done. I thought they were our friends but it seems that they had turned on us and had gotten real close to Kathy the assistant manager. I' m sure that they went to the manager Bob cause he came down to our site banged on the door and told me we had to be out within the hour.

No matter how much we tried to talk to Bob to explain the situation, he would not listen. He is a Viet Nam vet and I believe he has a bad case of PTSD. He can be your best friend one minute and the next he can be your worse night mare. Last year he threw another workamper out who had been told he had cancer. He wanted to stay a couple of days longer to get his 5ver ready. Bob told him "No you have to be out by noon".

We left and went to another RV Park and stayed for a couple of weeks to let Jerry get her doctor appointments. We also took some sight seeing trips with our good friends Lee and Carma. I was chatting with a friend on the Internet and she told me they needed workampers at the RV Park she was at in Texas and told me to send an email to the owner. A few days later I got an email from the park owner in Texas tell us to come on and work for her. YEA!!!.

We're now on our way to the Texas Hill Country to workamp there this summer. Good things can happen.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Colorado Bound Again

We finally got the motor home fixed and are ready to get back on the road to Durango. It'll take about two or three days to get there depending on how many hours we drive a day. I don't like to drive more than about six hours a day if I can help it.

Don and Betty were staying at the FAMCAMP at the Air Force Base in San Angelo so we went there to spend a day or two making sure everything was okay with the motor home before we left. Thanks goodness everything was alright and we'll leave tomorrow for Durango.

We won't be doing anything note worthy for the next couple of days so I won't have a post until we get to Durango.

Thursday, March 9, 2006

San Angelo For Repairs

We were tired from our trip from Ozona and the ordeal of getting the motor home in the repair shop so we just rested for a day or two.

Today we decided we would see San Angelo and maybe find a good place to have dinner.

Barracks at Old Fort in San Angelo

Saddle Shop

San Angelo Chamber of Commerce Area

Old San Angelo Hotel

Colorful Muriel